Project 2 Project Statement


Unemployment among the youth in America is a growing issue.  Many people think that if they obtain a college degree, they will find a job easily which is not the case.  The client is Bureau of Labor Statistics.  They are able to gather essential statistics on large groups of people but have not organized the data in an effective way for users to view.

Target Audience:

This information graphic will apply to anyone in America between the ages of 16 to 24.  This information will show both employed and unemployed statistics of the youth in America.


The project will be created for the web because this will allow to for the largest viewing by the target audience.


Educated the youth of America about the unemployment statistics so that they know what to expect.  Also, to educated the youth about popular jobs in America to see where most people are working and what industries they are not working in.

Key Benefit:

The youth of America will be able to see what industries are hiring their age group and with this information, it will help them decide what jobs to apply for.


The tone will be serious as this infographic is being designed for the government.


This information graphic will be built for a website.

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